Pulse, arriva la ballad dedicata alle vittime di Orlando – cantano Eli Lieb & Brandon Skeie – video


“Questa canzone si chiama Pulse e rappresenta tutti noi”. “Siamo un corpo unito e dobbiamo stare insieme. Diffondere la conoscenza e donare qualcosa alle famiglie colpite attraverso i link che si trovano nella descrizione del video. Essere qui l’uno per l’altro”.

Firmato Eli Lieb & Brandon Skeie.

So you say this is human
Your heartbeat versus mine
Im in chains cause I’m choosing
showing love or living life
I shouldn’t have to leave where I stand
I shouldn’t have to change who I am
To count as a human
Feel my pulse
With your hand on my heart
You know it beats just as hard as yours
Feel my pulse
Feel my pulse
Can’t you see that im scarred
I’m just the same as you are so just
Feel my pulse
I wish I could reach them
And strip away what separates
It’s the same air we’re breathing
The same tears run down our face
So I don’t have to leave where I stand
And I don’t have to change who I am
To count as a human
Feel my pulse
With your hand on my heart
You know it beats just as hard as yours
Feel my pulse
Feel my pulse
Can’t you see that im scarred
I’m just the same as you are so just
Feel my pulse


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