La Rivincita delle Bionde, Reese Witherspoon festeggia i 15 anni del film


Schermata 2016-07-14 alle 08.05.41

Il 13 luglio del 2001 usciva nei cinema d’America La Rivincita delle Bionde, divertente commedia diretta da Robert Luketic che incassò 141,774,679 dollari in tutto il mondo dopo esserne costati 18, lanciando nell’OIimpo Reese Witherspoon.
Ebbene passati 15 anni, digerito un brutto sequel, lasciato Ryan Philippe e scippato un Oscar, la stessa Reese ha voluto celebrare la sua Elle Woods e quel cazzo di Chihuahua, tutta di rosa vestita e ovviamente grata per l’impresa un tempo compiuta:   l’averla tramutata in diva.

It’s been 15 years since the movie “Legally Blonde” introduced the world to Elle Woods, the pink-clad, Chihuahua-toting sorority student who aced the LSATs, got into Harvard Law School and inspired a generation. “I have had so many women say, ‘I went to law school because of ‘Legally Blonde,’” says star Reese Witherspoon (@reesewitherspoon). “It actually had a meaningful story. And it was about female empowerment. It wasn’t necessarily about the girl getting the guy.” To celebrate the anniversary, make sure to show off your pet Chihuahua, law degree or even your best “bend and snap” — “That is still the most asked request I get from people. I have a feeling I will be doing the bend and snap until I am 95,” says Reese — and tag #LegallyBlonde15 in the caption. Video by @reesewitherspoon

Un video pubblicato da Instagram (@instagram) in data:


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