Garrett Clayton, l’attore di King Cobra fa coming out: ‘sono da tempo fidanzato con Blake Knight’


Schermata 2018-08-21 alle 09.05.10

Garrett ClaytonCon l’uscita del mio nuovo film REACH, ho pensato che fosse importante spiegare perché ho intrapreso questo progetto”. “REACH tratta alcuni argomenti molto seri e attuali che mi hanno colpito personalmente. Quando ho letto la sceneggiatura di REACH, ho immediatamente capito che era un film di cui dovevo far parte. Mi sono occupato personalmente del tema del suicidio all’interno della mia famiglia, del bullismo al liceo e – oltre a tutto questo – io e l’uomo con cui ho una relazione da tanto tempo (@hrhblakeknight) abbiamo entrambi avuto esperienze con sparatorie all’interno dei nostri sistemi scolastici nelle nostre città natale, e abbiamo assistito al dolore che si verifica nelle comunità colpite dopo simili tragici eventi“.

Così, via social e con assoluta naturalezza, Garrett Clayton ha fatto coming out su Instagram.
Star di King Cobra, dove interpretava il pornodivo Brent Corrigan, il bel Garrett ha svelato di essere gay e fidanzato di tale Blake Knight, a dir poco uomo fortunato del giorno.

With the release of my new movie REACH coming up, I thought it was important to explain why I took on this project in the first place. REACH deals with some very serious and timely topics that have affected me personally, and have likely influenced many of your lives as well. (I also prefer to share things that are particularly important for me here on my IG) instead of in some random magazine or online article – because you are the ones that have been rooting for me and following me on my professional and personal journey in life. When I read the script for REACH, I immediately knew it was a film I had to be a part of. I have personally dealt with suicide within my own family, intense bullying in high school, and – on top of it all – myself and the man I’ve been in a relationship with for a long time (@hrhblakeknight) have both experienced shootings within our hometown school systems, and have witnessed the heartache that takes place in affected communities after such tragic events. These topics – not always easy to discuss- are all close to my heart, and, knowing how serious they are, I wanted to share this with you all. This film has come from the perspectives of people who care deeply about these issues, and if watching it helps even one person… then it was all worth it. ♥️

Un post condiviso da Garrett Clayton (@garrettclayton1) in data:


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