Nico Tortorella drag queen, foto e video


Schermata 2018-05-15 alle 18.50.07

Prima bisessuale, poi fluido, ora ‘non del tutto cisgender’.
Nico Tortorella mio, vuoi proprio una definizione?

NEO TUCK “I just pretty recently have come to terms with the fact that maybe I am not fully cisgender,” Tortorella confesses. “This isn’t something I’ve actually talked about on a public level quite yet.” This is how a drag makeover also becomes an important discussion of gender, sobriety, and what it’s like to be judged within the LGBTQ+ community. — I love you @trinitythetuck I love you @them Thank your for all of this. Full story and video link in bio.— Ok, I want to take this opportunity to address a few things from this video. Firstly, my body. My weight has fluctuated my entire life. For the past couple years, I started to really get into shape. Working out sometimes twice a day, diets, supplements, hormones, etc. Remember, I am am addict. Over the past 6 months I have worked out less, ate more, wrote a book, and have tried to love myself more and more every day; body, mind, and spirit. I have days where I love my body, and days when I’m not happy; wishing I still looked like I did. Today I am telling you all of this to shed some light on body dysmorphia and body positivity. Being in shape is so much more than having a six pack, arms, and tight skin. My incredible partner @bethanycmeyers has taught me that. Last night they text me “Just a reminder that you are beautiful and your body is too. Use this workout tonight to clear your head and strengthen your body for your busy day tomorrow” Thank you for always being an inspiration and beacon of light for body positivity. Check out @thebe.comeproject Ok next I have to talk about a comment in the @them video I made about @bigandmilky. Milk is one of my best friends, my drag mother, and complete inspirations. I feel terrible for calling her a smelly ass queen in the video. Truly. Out of context it just sounds mean. The part they cut from the video was me saying she didn’t need to wash her drag anymore. She gets custom designer looks made because she is a supermodel. Dan, the work that you do for gender nonconformity, love, and the community globally with @voices4_ is unprecedented. I love you always babe, I’m so sorry that came out that way. @1demerith @emilycgeraghty #dragme #niconiconico #allofitisyou

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Un post condiviso da nicotortorella (@nicotortorella) in data:


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